about me (...briefly, of course)

- name:
Petr - surname:
Cihula - age:
Old enough - zodiac:
Sagittarius - occupation:
Constanly looking for opportunities - skills:
iOS, Cocos2d, Unity3D, XHTML, CSS, Javascript (+frameworks), PHP, MySQL, SEO, web usability, web standards - hobbies:
My wife & my little girl, social media & content, games, movies(!), music, geocaching... the usual!
contact me (...in many ways)
www.facebook.com/k0C0UR (0 = zero)
petr [at] cihula.com
k0c0ur (0 = zero)
www.last.fm/k0c0ur (0 = zero)
www.youtube.com/user/123k0C0UR (0 = zero)
...or just send me message through this form, hopefully it will land right in my inbox.